Teaching Sechedule

2nd MBBS , IIIrd , IVth & Vth SEMESTER

FROM : FEBRUARY – 2019 TO JULY -2019


Dr. Khushali Tilvawala ( Anaesthesiologist) 

Solo painting Exhibition & noble cause for martyrs of India.


Congratulations to Pharmacology Department for


at  Joint International Conference  JIC – 2019.

Two first year Residents of Pharmacology Department NHLMMC

[1 ] Dr. Amee Pandya Presented Poster on Title –

“ Global Trigger Tool : A Proficient Adverse Drug Reaction Auto detection tool in Critical Care unit patients” which won the first Prize in Joint International Conference (JIC) and Cash award of INR 20,000/- .

[2] Dr. Nehal Parikh Presented Poster on Title –

      “ Evaluation of Adapalene alone Vs Combination Therapy of Adapalene with Clindamycin and Adapalene with Benzoyl Peroxide  in Treatment of Acne Vulgaris : A Prospective, Observational study “ which won the  second Prize in Joint International Conference (JIC) and Cash award of INR 10,000/- .